A Man Is Worth As Much As His Land Is (2023-2024)
"A Man Is Worth As Much As His Land Is": this is also how value is measured in agriculture. In fact, this interconnection between human being and earth, in such a capitalist society like today’s, undergoes continuous changes and constant revisiting both in terms of perception of what we mean by “land”, and in terms of estimate of the value that is given to a specific “land”, according to the needs of the historical-social context of a specific place.
Castelfranco Veneto had, and still has, a strong agricultural fabric which was predominant until the 1960s. Subsequently, a strong cementing, industrializing and gentrifying policy emerged, which led to the loss of the balance that had been established in the territory between human beings and their land.
Through this local project, I try to draw attention to the traces of an ancestral relationship that the native population preserves with their land, in terms of a mostly agricultural identity.
This is an Artist Residency project that I’m working for OMNE (Osservatorio Mobile Nord Est) about the Castelfranco Veneto territory with other artists in residence such as Aaron Schuman, Ingar Krauss, Cristian Ordonez, Michele Cera, Camilla de Maffei, Matteo de Mayda, Giulia Iacolutti. Plus invited photographers Olivo Barbieri and Francesco Raffaelli.
Each one of us will continue to work on this biennale program (2023-2025) to produce a collective book as the fourth volume OMNE/LAND 2023–2025 and a group exhibition for the new edition of OMNEFEST 2025.
OMNE Selection Commission: Guido Guidi, Gerry Johansson, Stefania Rössl, Massimo Sordi, Maura Gallina.